Welcome to 4D Breathwork.

Take charge of your mind, energy & nervous system to support your life's goals

One-on-One Coaching

(90 day Transformation) 

I work with ambitious people feeling under pressure, stressed, and low on energy.

I teach tools to transform your nervous system, regulate your mood and create an abundance of energy. 

You'll discover your unconscious limiting beliefs, and reprogram your thought patterns to create unshakeable self-confidence.

I help you go from bingeing on external recognition, to being fueled & nourished by a deep sense of purpose.

  • Flow States: feel energised, creative, and fully in the present moment. We combine exploring how formative childhood events affect current thoughts & behaviours, with rewiring neural pathways supporting self-confidence and self-belief.
  • Emotional Power: learn to take charge of your feelings, energy & emotions
  • Mental Mastery:  learn to focus & concentrate on important tasks and boost energy when motivation drops
  • Health & Performance: optimise immunity, heart rate, digestion, circulation, stress levels, endurance, strength, posture, sleep, & cognitive function

How one-on-one works: 

  • Initial call - to check we're a good fit to work together and discuss your goals
  • Fortnightly 90 min calls - combining coaching and breathwork to support your goals
  • Accountability - to ensure you achieve your goals
  • Support - and answers to your questions via calls + WhatsApp
  • Work with me online, or face-to-face in Mallorca

Are you ready to invest in yourself?


One-on-One Breathwork  (Single Session)


Want to try out the techniques before diving into a 90-day transformation? Or have a specific short-term goal (feeling stressed, flat, tired, blocked)?

Book a 90-minute session with me, which can be done online or face-to-face in Mallorca.

The session includes:

  • 30 mins coaching
  • 60 mins breathwork
  • 7 days of follow-up WhatsApp to support you with integrating after the session
  • Investment: £174

Retrain Your Breath (Guided Techniques) 

I've spent 7+ years of trying, testing, and training in different techniques.. so you don't have to.

All the tools I wish I'd known from the start, in one place - accessible from your phone or desktop.

Short guided techniques, designed to fit into your existing (busy) lifestyle.

Tools for more energy and to regulate your nervous system - in minutes!

Join and get lifetime access to all of the techniques and resources, plus access to a community to ask questions and for support.

What you'll achieve in 30 days or less:


Learn how to breathe a healthy breath, to give yourself energy throughout the day, whilst calming your nervous system.


Most people make one BIG mistake when they breathe during exercise.

Learn to breathe using the two chemicals, which are the KEY to more energy during exercise... through 3 short breathing exercises, which you can fit into your normal routine.


Get more hours of deep sleep by understanding how to calm your nervous system at night and with a short guided breathwork practice.


The emotions and feelings we experience every day, not only affect our experience of life, they also affect our energy.

Learn how to choose your emotional state and how to switch into regenerative & pleasant states such as peace, joy, and excitement.


The most effective techniques to: recover between sets/rounds, breathing cadence whilst running, clear your nose, reduce stress, afternoon energy boost, feel grounded, stop panic attacks...and more! 

... all for £95!


Breathwork in your Workplace

There's an abundance of scientific research papers that evidences Breathwork to be one of the most powerful tools for looking after the health and performance of people in the workplace.

I've personally experienced first-hand the power of the 4D Breathwork techniques during my 15 years working in corporate roles, and also in my 3 years building a high-growth tech startup.

I've also shared these powerful techniques with teams in other start-ups, large corporations, universities, and gyms.

Here are masterclasses I can share with your team:

  • Introduction to breathwork. Includes easy to implement techniques to reduce stress, increase energy and get deeper sleep.
  • Taking charge of your emotions. Most of us go through life having to manage the feelings & emotions life throws at us. But with a simple, but powerful breathing technique, we can choose our feelings from moment to moment.

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